
Two in One Flesh

MarriagepngCreated by a group of five married couples and one priest. They have written several publications to enrich marriage. Their sole purpose is to enhance relationships and heighten the profile of Marriage and its sanctity and significance in the life of the family, the Church, communities and Society as a whole.  They also have a series of Lenten reflections for couples based upon Pope Francis’ Amoris Laetitia which can be accessed via the website. Check out the website:

Catholic Family e-Magazine is a website dedicated to assisting families in making the home the living heart of the church

The Catholic Truth Society

CTSjpgThe Society have many useful booklets.  These little booklets are excellent and inspiring for families …titles include: Faith in the Family, Effective Parenting, Being A Parent Today, Sex Education; A Parent’s Guide, The Special Gift of Women, The Role of Christian Grandparents, Work and the Christian Family, Role of a Christian Mother, Role of a Christian Father, Questions & Answers About Sex and Marriage, Sexuality and Love, The Family’s Mission to Love, Prayer & The Family, Passing on Faith to Your Children, True Love, Passion & Purity.  To browse the catalogue, click

Natural Family Planning Resources.

Click HERE for a list of organisations trained to help couples learn about natural fertility methods to help achieve pregnancy or avoid it if there is serious need to do so. Also try

World Wide Marriage Encounter 

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A movement within the Catholic Church, which aims to give engaged couples and married couples, priests and religious, the opportunity to take responsibility for what is happening in their lives and to deepen their experiences of the Sacraments, through Encounter weekends.  To book a weekend, click HERE.

God’s Design for Life and Love

From St Anthony Communications comes this new film presenting the enduring Catholic vision and understanding of marriage and the natural law, the beauty and meaning of human sexuality, of family, of the gift of children, and addresses the challenges we face in our world today. With presentations by Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, Bishop Mark Davies, Fr Marcus Holden, Fr Andrew Pinsent, Louise Kirk, Fiona Mansford and Edmund Adamus, this documentary is an essential resource for every Catholic parish, school and home. Click HERE to view a trailer and to order a copy of the DVD priced at £9.95 click HERE.


retrouvaillejpgA lifeline for troubled marriages, bringing healing and new hope to couples thinking of separation or divorce or who have already separated. For details of the next residential weekend programme, contact 0788 7296983 in complete confidence or visit their website for more information.

Why is Catholic Marriage Indissoluble? CTS Booklet on Divorce

catholic marriage indissolublejpgBooklet explains the Catholic understanding of marriage and why the Catholic Church teaches that divorce and re-marriage in the Church are not permissible. Access the book by clicking here

Institute for Marital Healing  

Their mission is to strengthen Catholic marriages and families by educating spouses, marital therapists and clergy about the common causes of conflicts in marital self-giving and effective approaches for alleviating such conflicts. Through a combination of online resources, educational programmes and publications, the Institute employs a time-tested approach to marital therapy that recognises the importance of both science and faith in the process of marital healing, Website: 



The Jesse Box – Empowering the family as the Domestic Church!

Bring bible stories alive with your children using the wonderful, interactive Jesse Box!  To find out more and how to order, visit their new website, The Jesse Box.

Family and child Association of Families for Families is an on-line community of Christian Catholic families encouraged by St John Paul II’s Familiaris Consortio and offers articles, video links and resources to help form consciences according to Christian values.

“As I Have Loved You”

This is an excellent resource for parents to be inspired in their efforts to talk to their children, through the years of innocence and puberty, about emotional and sexual development.  For more information, click HERE.


An Emmy-nominated animation series for children which teaches timeless moral truths and life lessons through the journey of two children and their robot friend through the bible.  There is also an on-line interactive bible, children’s games and apps.


is an awarding winning digital publisher offering family friends digital books and apps for the whole family to enjoy.

Enough is Enough

is an on-line resource and information site with a mission to make the internet safer for children and families, specifically targeting the dangers of pornography and on-line sexual predators.

The Little Oratory: A beginners guide to a praying in the home

 is a treasure of practical ideas for bringing the Catholic faith alive in the home. Reasonably priced it also makes an ideal gift.  Available here from Amazon.

Mary’s Way Camping – camping holidays for families!

Our vision is to provide an opportunity to unite families, who strive to nurture their children in the faith by getting together in a joyful, carefree and relaxed environment. For more information on our camps for families this year please visit the website.

Catholic Grandparents Association

An organisation which supports the vital role of Grandparents in the lives of their grandchildren.  It aims to encourage awareness and provide resources. Please visit the website for more information.

Child Healing

A website which educates parents about the common symptoms and causes of emotional, cognitive and behavioural conflicts in youth.

“Sexuality Explained – A Guide for Parents & Children”

This excellent book uses stories to engage children’s attention, and that of their parents too. The conversational style gives a warm and friendly feel to the biology which is explained in growing detail as the book develops. This, and the repetition between the chapters, makes facts easy to remember. The book is aimed first at parents. It is recommended that they read it as a whole, to forearm them for their children’s questions.

Sex and Relationships Education (SRE)

 For today’s primary school children. SPUC promotes good practice in primary schools where parents are the main educators of their children in sexual matters and where schools have a key role in supporting parents. For more information click HERE.

Two new books for family life published by Sophia Institute Press

“Discovering God Together” will help you find ways to bring God into the daily life at home, tapping into the rich beauty of Catholic traditions and “The Temperament God Gave Your Spouse” will help you discover a new understanding and respect for the person you married. To find out more and for information about ordering, please visit the Sophia Institute Press website.

Gabriele Kuby “Sexuality is the deepest core of the social revolution we are in"

On March 11th 2016 renowned author Gabriele Kuby from Germany gave an incisive analysis of the currents and trends beneath the crisis of the family but from her own experience and insights and offered hope and courage to proclaim anew the joy of love generated by the family for society.  Listen to the podcast here.


Marriage Preparation

Betrothed Marriage Preparation 
The Diocese of Shrewsbury offers a comprehensive marriage preparation program that includes catechetical/faith formation content, relationship education, and skills training. Catechesis is given on the truth and meaning of the human person, the meaning of marriage in God’s plan, the effect of the fall into sin, and finally, marriage in the Lord—the Good News of Jesus Christ. It also includes teaching on natural fertility awareness.
The relationship education and skills training are drawn from research-based studies that have proven to strengthen marital relationships. For more information, please contact Jane Deegan at Mobile:07517 906435

Pre-Cana Catholic Marriage Preparation

Dedicated to the building of strong Christ centred marriages, this  on-line marriage preparation resource is rooted in the teachings of St John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. For more information and to book onto the Pre-Cana marriage preparation course, endorsed by the Church worldwide, go to

SmartLoving Engaged

Is an easy way for parishes to provide their own marriage preparation courses, using their own parishioners as facilitators. For more information click HERE.

Beloved Marriage Preparation

 by Lighthouse Media is another excellent Marriage Preparation resource for parishes. Check out the link  and preview the DVD by following this link: They also do DVD’s for Marriage Enrichment.



Divine Mercy University Online Courses

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Divine Mercy University (DMU) is a Catholic graduate school of psychology and counseling, founded in 1999 as the Institute for the Psychological Sciences.  The University is dedicated to the scientific study of psychology with a Catholic understanding of the person, marriage and the family.  The University offers Master of Science (M.S.) and Doctoral (Psy.D.) degrees in Clinical Psychology, a Master of Science (M.S.) degree in Psychology and a Master of Science (M.S.) in Counseling. Online Courses which integrate theology, philosophy and psychology to the Catholic worldview. The courses train and equip all those called to heal others that are struggling with mental, emotional and relational disorders by combining the uniquely Catholic understanding of the person, with the best practices in the psychological sciences:

From Fr. Charles Sikorsky, L.C., J.D., J.C.L. President, Divine Mercy University:

"Our university feels called by God to change the culture. Our graduates continue continue to serve those who are hurting and make a vital difference in our culture.   I am continually inspired by the commitment of our students, faculty and alumni, and hope you are able to glimpse a bit of the incredible mission and team we have here. Building a university which integrates both the science and practice of psychology and counseling with the Catholic-Christian vision of the person is a challenging task, yet the university has made remarkable progress in the course of the last 17 years. .......I invite you to join us as we look forward to an exciting time while we work  together to strengthen families, heal trauma, build virtue and give hope. "

The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd UK

Now has a website!  The website will help you find general information on this catechesis, dates for future training, and churches or schools where the Catechesis is running in the UK. “I came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly.” John 10:10

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Going Deeper

 A weekly online staff formation program in Catholic identity and Catholic teaching on education. It inspires, educates and challenges every Catholic teacher to deepen their personal faith and knowledge of Catholic teaching so they can fulfil their noble vocation within the great mission of Catholic education. To watch the video click  on the title: “How To Build a Supernatural Catholic Marriage and Family”.


Explore Marriage

Provides remote marriage preparation to young people about what is needed for lifelong committed marriage, using the testimonies of volunteer married couples.  To find out what is involved and to volunteer, click HERE.  Contact the Marriage & Family Life Office if you would like to volunteer.

The EUK Mamie Foundation

A Spanish organisation that aims to use social media as a way to communicate the Gospel and contribute towards the New Evangelisation.  Producing magazines, DVDs, music, books and webTV, their products are directed towards young people, children and families. For more information visit their website at

Mamie Fountdation logojpg

Theology of the Body

Download practical audio files on Pope John Paul II’s teaching.



First Five Saturdays  Devotion of Reparation – Promise of Our Lady of  Fatima.

For more information click HERE. For the Consecration Prayer, click HERE.  

EWTN Devotional Prayers and Readings

Click HERE

Theology of the Body

Download practical audio files on Pope John Paul II’s teaching.



Beginning Experience

Helps separated, divorced or widowed Catholics to make a fresh start in life, with hope and trust in God. Contact Freda 01322 401243 or Sandra 01293 783965 to explore whether this programme is for you.

Grief to Grace

A Catholic team which specialises in the healing of post-abuse trauma – physical, sexual, psychological or spiritual –  based in Kensington, London. Residential programmes are held in various retreat centres in the South of England. To find out more, visit their website.

Rachel’s Vineyard

Cares for any person who has struggled with the emotional and spiritual pain of an abortion.  Offering weekend retreats throughout the year, the retreat is a very specific process designed to help those suffering the grief and pain of an abortion, experience the mercy and compassion of God. The retreat is an opportunity to get away from the daily pressures of work and family, to focus on a painful time in life, and to begin healing through a supportive and non-judgemental process.  For more information and for a complete listing of Rachel’s Vineyards retreats, please click HERE.  Call Pam (Southern England) in complete confidence on 07851 331816 or Marene (Northern England) on 07505 904656.



Fundraising Ideas

Fundraising Ideas, Tools and 5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Catholic Fundraise, by visiting

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